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Co-Science 2022-10-19T11:38:13+00:00

Why We Are Choosing Co-Science

“Citizen Science” is not inclusive, “Community Science” is inaccurate…

Shifting away from “citizen science” is necessary, but not appropriating “community science” is even more essential. Citizen science is led by experts and the line of inquiry is directed by the researcher. Community science is led by community members which initiate the investigation and may or may not consult with experts. We know we need to change from “citizen science”, however “community science” also does not fit how we conduct our scientific inquiries. 

Co-Science is a more inclusive and empowering science 

  • Citizen science – the label “citizen” can be a barrier or a trigger word for people of our community who are not citizens of the nation that the science is being conducted in. 
  • We do not want to perpetuate appropriating terms. Community science has roots in indigenous led learning or where the community is leading the direction of the study.
  • Our volunteers are doing science with us. They are our co-workers, our co-scientists. 

Co-Science allows for proper recognition of the valuable time and effort that volunteers dedicate to the project. 

  • Collaborative science that includes the community to better understand a common interest.
  • Many volunteers and community members do as much, and at times more work than the scientist leading the surveys and studies. 
  • We need to acknowledge the effort that our dedicated volunteers and community members put forth to collect scientific data. Many whom have been trained in protocols and data collection as if they were interns, part-time staff, or research assistance. 
  • They are the co-authors to our publication since it was their labor that allowed “scientists” to analyze data.