Highline College

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Donate to the MaST Center

The MaST Center is a full time teaching facility that is supported by the Foundation of Highline College.

The Highline Foundation is a 501c3 organization dedicated to strengthening the relationship between the college and the community by developing resources for students and programs.

Your donation will support the everyday function of the MaST Center, and help us fulfill needs of students, staff and volunteers in purpose of improving our local marine community.

Choose to donate to a specific program


Maintaining quality of life is one of our top priorities in the MaST Center Aquarium. In order to do so, our aquarium is supplied with high quality foods and medicines, life support systems and enhancement items. Donations that target the aquarium will be used to replenish these supplies.

Support the Aquarium

School Programs

Students K-12 frequently visit the MaST Center to access informal education events and on hand experience with the Puget Sound. Donations targeted to the School Programs will be used to enhance our educational materials and programs as well as maintaining our scientific equipment used by these classes.

Support School Programs

Summer Programs

The MaST Center hosts a yearly summer camp for children preparing to enter the 4th 5th and 6th grade. Each child that attends participates in art projects and research activities. With an average of 25-30 children participating every year, totals to run camp amount to approximately $3,750-$4,500/year. Corporate funding and child sponsors play key roles in continuing our summer camps, and are always greatly appreciated.

Support Summer Programs

See and Hear the Sound

Due to its increasing popularity, the upkeep costs for our Live Dive program are increasing. We currently have one communication cable and two face masks that are owned by the MaST Center. Our host live streams video as supplement to the audio from the cables and masks. We are quickly approaching the need of some new equipment. Targeting this donation program allows the MaST Center to continue to supply this event to the public, as well as keeping our materials prepared and up to date.

Support the Live Dive Program

Greatest Need

Open, or “unrestricted” gifts, allow the MaST Center to apply your gift to the greatest need. These gifts are applied strategically to the part of our programming or operation that has the most critical need, including damage repairs and replacement of lost, stolen or outdated equipment, volunteer programs, etc.

Increase the size of your contribution. Ask your employer or human resources department if they participate in matching gift programs.

Support the MaST