Tidal Tales
Join MaST volunteer Karen as she reads stories from the sea in the MaST classroom. Tidal Tales maxes at 25 participants.Reserve your spot here!
- February 15th at 10:15am
- March 15th at 10:15am
Please contact Aeriel at awauhob@highline.edu for any questions.

Sign up for in-person (limited capacity) or virtual options here! Training begins at 5:30 pm (Pacific). Presentations will last about an hour, followed by 30 minutes or so in the aquarium for in-person participants.
If you have questions, please email mast@highline.edu for more information, and we hope to see you there!
Phyla Training
Join MaST staff for Phyla Training! This 5-week series presents an overview of the biology of our local marine life, from microscopic algae to fish! Each week, Lead Aquarist Emily Bjornsgard and Community Education Coordinator Aeriel Wauhob discuss different phyla (groups of organisms).
- Feb 27th – Protists, Plants, & Porifera
- March 6th – Cnidaria & Annelida
- March 13th – Mollusca & Brachiopods
- March 20th – Arthropoda
- March 27th – Echinodermata & Chordata
*Chordata will be primarily fish-focused, and if time allows will touch on local seabirds and marine mammals.
Science on the Sound
Livestreamed via the MaST Center Aquarium YouTube Channel the 1st Saturday of the month at 3:30pm!
Please contact Aeriel at awauhob@highline.edu for any questions.